- Square root of 6084 is written as (Radical form).
- Square root of 6084 = = = 78
- In the exponential form, the square root of 625 is expressed as .
We will now calculate the square root of 6084 by prime factorization or long division method.
Square Root of 6084 By Prime Factorization Method
- Step 1: Prime factors of 6084: 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 13 x 13
- Step 2: Prime factors of 6084 in pairs: (2 x 2) x (3 x 3) x (13 x 13)
- Step 3: Now square root of 6084:
Therefore, the square root of 6084 is ±78
Square Root by Long Division Method
The square root of 6084 by long division method consists of the following steps:
- Step 1: Starting from the right, we will pair up the digits 6084 by putting a bar above 84, 60.
- Step 2: Find a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives a product less than or equal to 60. This will be 7 obviously, so place 7 in the quotient and the divisor place which will result in the remainder being 11.
- Step 3: Drag down 84 beside the remainder 11. Also, add the divisor to itself and write it below.(7 + 7 = 14)
- Step 4: Find a number X such that 14X × X results in a number less than or equal to 1184. The number 8 fits here so fill it next to 14 in the divisor as well as next to 7 in the quotient.
- Step 5: Find the remainder and now drag down the next pair from the dividend. Check the following animation that outlines all the steps.