What is 45 multiply by 7?

Answer: 45 x 7 = 315

Long Multiplication method,

  • Step 1: Arrange the numbers 45, 7 to align them properly in respective columns for ones, tens, hundreds, and Thousands… stacking them vertically.
  • Step 2: Start by multiplying the bottom number in the one's place with the top number.
  • Step 3: Remember to start from the right and work your way left. After you find the answer, write it down below the two numbers. Then, look at the next number to the left (the tens place) and multiply those. Put the answer under the first one and a zero for the ones place.
  • Step 4: Once you've multiplied all the numbers, add them up to get the final answer 315

The following animation demonstrates the Long Multiplication method,

O T H 3 5 4 7 x undefined 5 undefined 1 undefined 3 7 x 5 = 35 5 (at Ones place), 3 (is carried over) 7 x 4 = 28 28 + 3 (carry over) = 31 ©AskMathGuru
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